Heather L. Dickson

Heather L. Dickson is a photoshop guru, zoologist and author of 6 novels.

Visit her website at www.hleightondickson.com

Recent Articles

Goods & Co. Market

Thunder Bay has been buzzing ever since the announcement last fall that the historic Eaton’s Building would reopen as an urban market.

Stanley Hill Bisons

2,000 lbs of shaggy-maned, hump-shouldered, curved-horned muscle greets us in the middle of the snowy road. His name is Ferdinand.

Straight Outta Lockdown

Since it burst onto the North American scene in December 2019, Covid 19 has been relentlessly shutting down our lives, piece by piece. Mask mandates, work from home, Zoom meetings, lockdown.

Bright fantasy for a dark world

Tucked away in a rural home in Slate River, a young author busily plots her next novel.

If tenderness be gold

“Writing a novel as opposed to writing for a live audience is a very different kettle of fish,” says playwright-turned-novelist Eleanor Albanese.

Snowbirds grounded

Snow. Wind. Ice. Minus twenty degrees. Minus forty.

Technicolour dreamer

“Some folks dream of the wonders they’ll do before their time on this planet is through. Some just don’t have anything planned, they hide their hopes and their heads in the sand.

Marley in the Mountain

Hiking is a part of life for many Thunder Bay families, and with the Nor’wester Mountains an integral part of our local landscape, mountain hikes are a natural part of summer enjoyment.

Life is better with a good cup of tea

“It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.” ― Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

Our own backyard

Winter is long, and Thunder Bay residents are adept at making the most of our short, sweet summer.


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