As the world comes out of its collective Covid coma, cities and towns are excited to welcome back events that add a bit of fun to our short Canadian summers. With the return of Summer in the Parks, Live at the Waterfront, and a slew of other community events, it promises to be a great few months in the city of Thunder Bay.
“After years of waiting, we get an opportunity to bring back an event that the City of Thunder Bay was just getting to know and really beginning to embrace,” says Kevin Taylor, chair of ThunderCon which is also returning after a 2-year hiatus. “We are not the only organization that has had to overcome challenges through the pandemic, but we are humbled and grateful for the support and encouragement ThunderCon continues to receive in the community. We can’t wait to return to begin building the next 5 years and beyond.
“Most potters work in isolation,” says Noël Keag of Stone Circle Pottery, “So the ability to socialize through the guild is of paramount importance.
We are excited to be engaging with our customers face to face once again!”
And Ribfest will be back to it’s in-person event format. “We’re really looking forward to staging a full festival and interacting with the community in a more personal way again,” said Jackie Knough, Executive Director of Our Kids Count.
So, grab your calendar, get out your marker, and star some of these upcoming dates to take your summer to Infinity and Beyond!