
Gifts come in many forms

In a recent article for Bayview magazine, I told the story of a favourite pink velvet chair of my mother’s and its journey to a new home – a women-owned tattoo parlour in Thunder Bay.

Autumnal arts for adults

The Thunder Bay Community Band

The natural beauty of Slate River clay

Karen Breukelman loves creating. From the physical wedging and throwing of the clay on the wheel to the glazing of her finished products, Karen is in her element.

Canvas and clay

Learn, Make, Share, Repeat. That’s the motto for Canvas & Clay, a new collaborative gift shop and maker studio in downtown Fort William.

Cambrian Players strives for an inclusive, accessible space

Cambrian Players, Thunder Bay’s longest-running community theatre group, is approaching their 75th season which will kick off this fall.

The big boreal adventure

Marilyn Grudniski is on a mission to bring kids up close and personal with nature right here in Thunder Bay – and she’s doing it with style.

Christmas in the Bay

One of my favourite things about the Christmas season in Thunder Bay is making little trips where I can escape the hustle and bustle of the season.

Theatre arts for adults!

While most kids today venture to sports or the arts for after school fun, where can adults go to have fun with a great group of creatives?

Bubble, bubble, toil brings good trouble

Attention all witches, warlocks, wizards and muggles - the 3rd Annual Witches Walk is fast approaching!

From bingo-dabber to hockey sticks

Angie Jason is an Anishinaabe artist from Sheshegwaning First Nation currently living in Thunder Bay and has been making art ever since she could hold a pencil. In fact, even before that.


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