
TBSO Season 60

“We have something wonderful here. Our orchestra is a gemstone in our Boreal culture,” Arts reviewer Michael Sobota said of the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra.

The fave five

In our summer issue, musician Danny Johnson shared the songs he would take with him if cast away on a desert island. Music tastes are deeply personal and the window into someone’s soul.

Surfing into the Canadian music scene

The hit song ‘Two Heads’ by Thunder Bay’s Coleman Hell always manages to catch my attention with it’s opening line, ‘There must be something in the water’.

Taking pause

We are certainly living in strange days.

The TBSO is a gift

“Our TBSO has one of the finest string ensembles of any orchestra anywhere—and in this performance they all but glowed.” That’s what art reviewer Michael Sobota had to say about the opening of the

Into the Wonder

The smallest symphony orchestra in Canada is playing in the big leagues now.

A tribute to Jim Differ

On December 2, a packed house of friends, family, colleagues and admirers gathered at L.U’s Outpost to pay tribute to a truly remarkable person.

Talita Jolene

Big personality. Big voice. Big dreams.

TBSO’s groundbreaking Season 58: seriously great!

It’s no secret that the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra is working hard to redefine itself. Last year’s campaign slogan “New Beginnings” said it all.

Opera nights

Opera lovers of Thunder Bay have an exciting event to look forward to at the end of September.


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