
The new home garden

Several generations have passed since eating home-grown produce was the norm.

The night skies over Thunder Bay

The days of summer that we long for all winter give way to evenings perfect for star gazing.

A bird's best friend

Animals are Jenn Salo’s lifeline.

Zach Kruzins: Such a nice day

There is something refreshing about Zack Kruzins.

Rob Farrow: The Roads Less Travelled

Rob Farrow is the ultimate adventurer. Enjoying everything from ship wreck diving to speed skiing and dirt bike racing, Farrow has practically done it all.

The Dream of Spring: How Thunder Bay Wakes up from Winter

“Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush.” - Doug Larson

Beekeeping is a buzz in Thunder Bay

Aaaah, Winter in Thunder Bay and the last thing that is on anyone’s mind is the buzzing of a bee to interrupt an otherwise perfect summer day. Unless you are one of our local beekeepers.

The crazy butterfly lady

Jodi Velasquez is the first to admit that her fascination with raising monarch butterflies, is well, a tad over the edge.

Our Fine Feathered Friends

Thunder Bay hosts many visitors and guests during the summer months, travellers from all over the world including South America, United States, and Mexico; some in colourful plumage, others in natu

Bringing Life to our City The Thunder Bay Horticultural Society

After a winter of white and brown, with moments of blue skies and green fir trees, Thunder Bayers are always eager to see that first dandelion or that hardy crocus peeping through the thawing snow.


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