
Bingeing on-demand

Perhaps like many of you, I spent much of last winter huddled in front of my television.

On demand

Perhaps like many of you, I spent much of this winter huddled in front of my television.

Living to the max

Well, it has finally happened. My stretch jeans have lost their stretch. More accurately, they are no longer bouncing back from the dryer.

Marianna Paulson: The Auntie Stress of Anti-Stress

Marianna Paulson, a former Thunder Bay resident and now stress coach in Surrey, B.C., not only provides words of wisdom to help her clients deal with stress and anxiety, but lives and breathes her

Oh the weather outside is frightful...and grandchildren are so delightful

Not really. I am sitting here in October, trying to get in the “mood” for Christmas. It is now 17 outside and sunny.

Hang out the "do not disturb" sign

After a 28-year career in Thunder Bay’s Hospitality industry, Roberta Sawchyn, aka Broom Hilda, General Manager of the Best Western Plus Nor’Wester Hotel & Conference Centre is hanging up her b

Fit to be tried

During the pandemic, I escalated my online shopping to items I had never thought I would purchase sight unseen. There is an element of trust I typically need when shopping for more personal items.

Muscle memory

The change of seasons has appeared in its usual way in our city. One day it is cold and rainy and the next day it’s summer in all its glory.

The "spring" in my step

I love this play on words considering that Spring is right around the corner. Or will be by the time you read this. Right now it is more like - 30 and I don’t want to know what the wind chill is.

Straight Outta Lockdown

Since it burst onto the North American scene in December 2019, Covid 19 has been relentlessly shutting down our lives, piece by piece. Mask mandates, work from home, Zoom meetings, lockdown.


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