The pandemic certainly has changed our world. Beyond the fact that we are all looking for a project or trying to put things in order, I seem to have a lot more time to kill.
It has been quite a while since I shopped for winter clothing.
When Don “Camel” Kmill and Gary “Buck” Rogers got together with Don Burton and Barry McCulloch for a round of golf in 1995, they had no idea what a commitment they were making.
It seems like so long ago I wrote my last article from the comfort of my car on our return trip from Florida.
Winter is long, and Thunder Bay residents are adept at making the most of our short, sweet summer.
I must admit that when I began searching through the various dog rescue websites late winter, I was a little hesitant.
Like when we were in school, I thought I would regale you with what I did this past summer. I think most of us agree that the weather was pretty nice.
Here comes summer and with it the acknowledgement that I didn’t do as well on my new year resolutions as I had hoped. No, I didn’t lose the Christmas weight.
My latest obsession is watching the many versions of the Greatest Canadian, American or British Baking Show.
When I was a child, I recall my complete dismay when my mother began to lament about the holidays.
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