By the time you read this I will have attended, hosted and returned from our daughter’s wedding. Planned for “beautiful” Kelowna, the word everyone uses when I say where it is being held, I am currently in the throes of the final details. An anxiety attack at work has nothing on planning the perfect wedding, as many mothers of the bride can attest.
Although I know how to plan an event, a family wedding is different. My logical brain says it is the same but my emotional brain is bouncing around like bingo balls in a cage. Everyone is taking turns cranking the handle.
Because I am not in the most gracious mood, I have decided to wait to try on my dress. I know instinctively that when I had it fitted, I was not stress eating. Why white cheddar popcorn, my food nemesis, has been on sale lately is like a sign that someone is out to get me.
Not to mention that when I had it fitted, I was advised that I wear my clothing and under clothing too loosely and that the zipper needs to strain, just a little, to fit well. I am no engineer but even I know that a little too much strain could be a disaster. I have purchased the perfect colour thread and have sewing needles on hand just in case.
Shoes are another story. I have been donning them in the house on a regular basis. People are coming to the door delivering one thing or another and immediately look at my feet. I must explain the whole wedding thing. The delivery person can’t get away fast enough.
I think I might make it through the 15-minute ceremony until I feel my feet getting puffy, giving a whole new meaning to peak-a-boo heels. I am bringing silver flip-flops as a back up.
To make myself feel better, I have begun making a list of all the things I must do and take with us to Kelowna. My husband is not certain how we will fit all of this, and my mother, in our truck for three days of travel to our destination. The whole family will be spread out between two homes but we will be living, eating, and dare I say I will be drinking, communally. Kelowna may never be the same.
And because we are at a significant distance, if we forget anything, we are lost. I remind myself that we can pretty well buy anything in Kelowna. There is the added sense of calm that if we forget the Italian baking, our friends are flying in on Friday. They may be taking an extra bag.
Overall, we are extremely excited, albeit in a frenzy, over an event that has been in the planning stage for over one year. Here we come!