On the right track

The late Richard Schutte, a former dirt track racer and local entrepreneur, had a vision to bring dirt track racing back to Thunder Bay.

Finding a home (and helping others do the same)

Richard Togman and Kendal Donahue met at Carleton University in Ottawa when they were both enrolled in a course called “The Politics of South and Southeast Asia.”

Basking in the glow of music

Picking just five songs to have on a desert island was much harder than it initially sounded. There’s a good chance I’ve overlooked some obvious choices, but decisions had to be made.

Student lighthouse project takes shape

Walking into the woodworking shop at Hammarskjold High School was like returning to my shop class from many years ago.

Pasta, salami, and a guy named Pasquale

An icon of the Thunder Bay theatre scene, Jo-Ann Waytowich is back and bolder than ever, bursting from stage to screen with her beloved character, Ivanka.

All I want for Christmas...wines that define the occasion

Most wine, most of the time, is an enjoyable adjunct of a good meal and social occasion. Occasionally, the wine is special and becomes the focal point of the evening’s conversation.

Oh the weather outside is frightful...and grandchildren are so delightful

Not really. I am sitting here in October, trying to get in the “mood” for Christmas. It is now 17 outside and sunny.

Vinarterta: An Icelandic treat for Christmas and other celebrations

There are some traditions that are meant to last.

Education is the gateway to prosperity

Bassie Kargbo remembers every inch of his four-mile walk to school when he lived in Sierra Leone: the rise and fall of the land, the fields where the cattle grazed, and the huts along the way, but

A 'seasonal project' grows to address a year-round need

At Roots to Harvest there is no typical day.


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