A silver anniversary for a gold medal team

This year marks the 25th anniversary for the Bearskin Airlines Hope Classic.

Go to the mountain

Of Italy’s many great red wines, Brunello di Montalcino from the heart of Tuscany is one that vies for the title Greatest of them All.

Fit to be tried

During the pandemic, I escalated my online shopping to items I had never thought I would purchase sight unseen. There is an element of trust I typically need when shopping for more personal items.

Sharing Thunder Bay's culture, one recipe at a time

Canadians like to borrow from other cultures, and many of our traditions are a mixture of customs from other countries.

A chat with author Marianne Jones

It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if some of those words are set in stone?

TBSO Season 60

“We have something wonderful here. Our orchestra is a gemstone in our Boreal culture,” Arts reviewer Michael Sobota said of the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra.

Respect, trust, care and professionalism

It’s September and a new generation of hopeful students are taking the first steps along their path to becoming a nurse. In Thunder Bay, that path has two starting points.

On the Wright track

These last two years have been difficult ones for school children because of the pandemic.

The unique history of Current River

Current River has grown up in the shadow of Port Arthur now Thunder Bay North.

This dog has seen it all

I remember the first time I saw Dan and Yakira. I was nearing the Stanley turnoff just before Kakabeka when the traffic slowed.


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