My days of discovery in the sun

SUN is the source of life. It is unimaginable to think of our existence without the SUN. According to Indian mythology, we consider the Sun to be a GOD (In Sanskrit known as SuryaDev).

The fave five

In our summer issue, musician Danny Johnson shared the songs he would take with him if cast away on a desert island. Music tastes are deeply personal and the window into someone’s soul.

The great reopening

First, it was patios. Then, it was limited capacity, with masks and socially-distanced tables.

Albert and Alison Tjong

Alison and Albert met in Toronto while they were both part of a team of staff working at a newly opened East Side Mario’s. “We became fast friends,” says Alison.

An interview with Edie Inksetter

“I was ten the first time I saw a movie that really moved me,” says actress Edie Inksetter.

Celebrating one of our best storytellers, BARR none!

When I dropped by to chat with Elinor Barr I was greeted at the door by Snoopy, Elinor’s dog.

The rollercoaster

In many ways summer felt wonderfully normal, filled with hope and some trepidation as Covid case counts began to climb again around many parts of the province.

King of wines, wine of Kings

No, I didn’t make it up, that title is taken straight from Barolo marketing hype.

Global storytelling Jamaican style

Storytelling has been in Annette Pateman’s family for generations. In fact, you could say it’s in her blood.

Muscle memory

The change of seasons has appeared in its usual way in our city. One day it is cold and rainy and the next day it’s summer in all its glory.


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