Recognizing the humanity of nurses

“My name is Kayeleigh. I have worked as a Registered Nurse in Northwestern Ontario for over 13 years now with a background in surgical and renal.


Earlier this year the Conference Board of Canada updated it’s economic outlook for Thunder Bay, predicting that the $1.2 billion dollar jail project off Highway 61 “will electrify” the local econom

Fitness for new moms, pottery and an alcohol-free meeting place Local entrepreneurs bring us new ideas and creations

Oakenfold Strength and Training

Jason Feller and Mariano Sequeira

When I stopped by to interview Jason Feller and Mariano Sequeira at their large character house, I was met with a large science exhibit in the middle of the living room.

In praise of the paper carrier

Before I was born, my dad, Archie Angus, held one of the favourite jobs of his life – that of the Circulation Manager of the Fort William Times Journal newspaper in the 1940’s. I was born in 1957.

The wines of home

Wine has been known since the dawn of civilization. The first thing Noah did after the flood was plant a vineyard and get drunk (Genesis IX: 20, 21).

Face and time

You may recall, many years ago now, I had a bathing suit my husband named “Big Blue.” My kids joke about this bathing suit to this day and nothing has quite replaced the suit in the bright blue hue

Egg pudding

When Ummul Begum moved to Canada from Bangladesh in 2008, she made sure she packed her favourite recipes, including the recipe her grandmother passed onto her: Egg Pudding.

Sleeping Giant Sommelier

Som·me·lier: noun, a wine steward.

Upcycled furniture

Styles change with the seasons, so keeping your home looking fresh and updated takes work.


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