Kathy Shilliday

Kathy Shilliday is a regular contributor and a hawk eye for stories to share. She can be reached at rkshilliday@tbaytel.net

Recent Articles

Kettles and Carols

An old advertising campaign for peanut butter cups posed the question, what would happen when two distinct flavours were put together?

Peter Gysen's Christmas Magic Walking Tour

Autumn…everyone’s thoughts are on Thanksgiving, Halloween, basking in the last days of summer, without a thought of the winter that will be upon us too soon.

Wilma Wood

We often think of buildings as inanimate objects, places that provide the backdrop to our lives, but a building that serves it’s community is much more than just brick and mortar.

All a-board!

Food and entertaining trends come and go, and some even come around again.

Friends fore life

When Don “Camel” Kmill and Gary “Buck” Rogers got together with Don Burton and Barry McCulloch for a round of golf in 1995, they had no idea what a commitment they were making.

The night skies over Thunder Bay

The days of summer that we long for all winter give way to evenings perfect for star gazing.

Trucks Deliver Lights & Smiles

If you ask people what they are doing Saturday, December 7, don’t be surprised to hear that they already have plans…and have had this date marked since this time last year.

Beekeeping is a buzz in Thunder Bay

Aaaah, Winter in Thunder Bay and the last thing that is on anyone’s mind is the buzzing of a bee to interrupt an otherwise perfect summer day. Unless you are one of our local beekeepers.

Santa’s Little Helpers

As the leaves fall, thoughts turn to the season to come.

The power of pilates

Get up, get out and get moving! Something we all look forward to now that summer has arrived.


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