Donna White

Donna White is an accomplished author and Jubilee Medal winner for her volunteer work with World Vision. Visit her website at

Recent Articles

International Tapestry Women’s Network

When Roopa Rakshit arrived in Canada in 2012, she admits she felt more than just a little lonely.

Kick Sledding - something old is new again

Most people who witness someone kick sledding are immediately impressed by the ease and speed in which a person can glide over a winter trail.

A day at the Country Market

Let’s face it: Global warming, aka climate change, is here.

Alex Sampson

If you haven’t watched Atikokan’s Alex Sampson perform on America’s Got Talent, stop reading this article immediately, google Alex on YouTube and treat yourself to something special.

Holiday craft markets

Believe it or not, there are some people who do not – gasp – like Christmas shopping. It’s as if a little bit of Ebenezer Scrooge has taken over and all they can say is “Bah humbug!

Samosas with bite

Aakash Rathod of Creative Cooking is new to the culinary scene. When he came to Canada from India, his experiences in the kitchen were as a mere observer.

A master ship builder

Dave Benedet has been creating miniaturized replicas of ships since he was a young lad of thirteen years, anchoring him to a hobby that has given him years of pleasure and fulfillment.

Cory Bagdon, a local craftsman

If you’re thinking of adding some new furniture to your home, you may want to think outside of the box.

Marvin's Mom's curried rice

Marvin Mattson can still remember his mother making his favourite recipe, curried rice.

Write what you care about

During the day, Lance Robinson is a social scientist dedicated to managing our natural resources, but outside of work hours, Lance is a Sci-Fi writer, bringing readers to new worlds where humble ch


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