In 2005 a few Thunder Bay moms saw a need to ease the financial stress that some families face when raising children on a limited budget. For numerous reasons, families can be faced with the choice of either buying clothes and essential items for their children or paying the rent and putting food on the table. With the help of some dedicated volunteers and local visionaries, Precious Bundles Clothing Assistance Program was born.
A 100% volunteer run organization, Precious Bundles provides children’s clothing to families free of charge as many times in a year as the family requests assistance. Families submit requests with the gender of the children, sizes of clothing, and special requests like strollers, bottles, or winter boots. “We always try to add something special such as books and hand knitted blankets and families are told when orders will be delivered to their homes. All this is done in a confidential manner”, says volunteer Jolene Davis. “Another large part of the program is collecting, sorting, and storing clothing donated by the generous people of Thunder Bay from clothing drives and picked up items. The recipients of bundles also give back to the program by recycling their outgrown items”.
In 2013, 850 families received bundles, and in 2014 and 2015 the organization saw the need grow to 1,000 bundles.
“The program has grown so much that the 12 to 15 active volunteers put in over 1,000 hours. Offering two to five hours per month, can make a big difference to those families who need help” said Davis.
Board Member Wendi Cameron shared some thoughts on what she loves about the program. “As a person whose family is grown, I truly enjoy putting together bundles for babies and children. It's been a long time since I organized tiny outfits, wee boots, and snuggly blankets, so I enjoy the connection with children who need a hand”.
And as the organization has grown, so has its need for volunteers. “It has been a part of my life for almost 10 years. Nothing can be more satisfying than knowing you are helping a family that is struggling, and, even if the gesture seems small, you are likely benefiting that family more than you can imagine”, says Davis.
To volunteer, donate or request assistance go to their website at There is also a machine answered hot-line at 251-7142.