
Olivia Amoah - An encyclopedia of talent!

Professional artist and Children’s Picture Book illustrator, Olivia Amoah, started with a box of crayons and an encyclopedia.

On an inland sea

As the author of 13 children’s picture books and a best-selling adult novel, author Jean E. Pendziwol has barely scratched the storytelling surface of this place we call Northwestern Ontario.

John Pringle

There’s a lot more to John Pringle than a captivating smile. He has seen the world, read many a book, and draws you in with his wisdom and thoughtfulness only seconds after saying hello.

Runner Natalie Lehto

I had a chance to chat with Natalie Lehto, marathon runner, fitness and lifestyle coach, and author of “Like the Glide of a Dragonfly”, a book about psychological trauma and healing written after

Selling Katie

“Fifteen-year-old Katie has met the perfect guy—handsome rich and just a little bit older. Skyler’s false veneer soon reveals a terrible darker side, but is it already too late?”

Tarantella to Thunder Bay

“I want to tell you the greatest story I know. It begins with my Nonna and this old, blue suitcase.”

Sweet secrets

Is it cherry? Is it strawberry? What about raspberry? Is it an exotic blend of fruits or simply heaps and heaps of bubblegum-pink sugar?

A home for the holidays...and every day

Local author Donna White felt “rescued” when she adopted her 2 dogs, Nip and Tuck, so in November 2020, she began volunteering for Paws for Love Dog Rescue.

A chat with author Marianne Jones

It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if some of those words are set in stone?

Global storytelling Jamaican style

Storytelling has been in Annette Pateman’s family for generations. In fact, you could say it’s in her blood.


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