
Nancy Angus is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Bayview. Contact her at

Cassandra Blair has a Masters of Arts in English Literature and is a regular contributor to Bayview.

Dorothy Christie is the Publisher of Bayview.

Karen Christie is a retired high school teacher and a regular contributor to Bayview. She can be reached at

Heather L. Dickson is a photoshop guru, zoologist and author of 6 novels.

Visit her website at

Diane Imrie is the Executive Director of the Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame. She can be reached at

Follow Paul Inksetter’s wine writing on his blog,
© Paul Inksetter 2016

Connor Kilgour is a local history enthusiast that has a fascination with the history of Thunder Bay and the Lakehead area

Kim Kilgour is a wife, mother of three, retired dental hygienist and gardening enthusiast.

Taylor Onski is a graduate of L.U. Master of Arts in English Literature, works in post-secondary education and is a freelance writer.

Sue Prodaniuk is a marketing, advertising and communications consultant. She can be reached at

Kathy Shilliday is a regular contributor and a hawk eye for stories to share. She can be reached at

Brian G. Spare PhD is a local author, freelance copywriter who is a regular contributor to Bayview magazine. Watch for Brian’s upcoming memoir “The Boy Who Couldn’t Smile” to be published later this year. Contact him at

Donna White is an accomplished author and Jubilee Medal winner for her volunteer work with World Vision. Visit her website at

Bill Wrightsell is a marketing consultant and regular contributor to Bayview Magazine. Email him at

Laura Zaina is a broadcaster, voice talent and contributor to Bayview. She can be reached at

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