Sue Prodaniuk

Sue Prodaniuk is a marketing, advertising and communications consultant. She can be reached at

Recent Articles

Grand parenting at a new age

I’m a grandma to a three-year-old. Although he lives far away, we try to visit as much as we can. Most recently he spent about 10 days with us, and it was great fun.

Mothers and their meatball fundraiser

I am writing this on Mothers Day. Spring is about renewal and things are beginning to grow.

The new age of majority

I was born in the latter part of the Boomer age and, like many of you, have become accustomed to being number one. Number one in age of majority so to speak.

Blinded by the light

Ah the festive season. Is there any other more magical time with sparkling lights on the tree, the railing, the fireplace, the outdoor…we all enjoy the glow!

Baby Shark doo doo dodoo doodo…

For any of you that are or have been around a toddler lately, you will know the repetitious music and the love that children have for Baby Shark.

Spring in my stretch

Most recently I reengaged in yoga classes. I had taken yoga a few times over the years. Back then, as I was holding a position, my mind would go to an image of what I must look like from above.

Face and time

You may recall, many years ago now, I had a bathing suit my husband named “Big Blue.” My kids joke about this bathing suit to this day and nothing has quite replaced the suit in the bright blue hue

It's the season of style

It’s the time of year when shopping may not be as much a pleasure but perhaps more of a chore.

Bingeing on-demand

Perhaps like many of you, I spent much of last winter huddled in front of my television.

On demand

Perhaps like many of you, I spent much of this winter huddled in front of my television.


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