The new age of majority

March 2024

I was born in the latter part of the Boomer age and, like many of you, have become accustomed to being number one. Number one in age of majority so to speak. For many years Boomers controlled influence on government, purchasing, taxation and the benefits of all the above.

You may have heard that as of late 2022, Millennials (1981 to 1996) have moved into this position, bumping us off the top of the podium. I know that I felt this control slipping from my arthritic fingers. People walking around look younger, go strolling or jogging an awful lot, and push a whole bunch of children in strollers. I think there might be another boom in the works.

Suddenly grocery stores are full of pre-prepared quick dinners, delivery services are in abundance and deliver everything from groceries to your favourite ice cream treat and jogging shoes are worn with everything.

Casual Fridays are now the norm for the rest of the week, name tags are a privacy issue and work is flexible from home or the office.

Does it sound like I am kind of jealous? That is because I am. All these years we got our way because we were in control! Millennials are described as wanting to be in charge and direct others. Characteristics akin to their Boomer counterparts. Could there be a tug of war in the works? You bet. I find I am often speaking to my colleagues and friends about the “good old days”, something I vowed I would never do.

I admit I am having a bit of trouble adapting. It’s not that Boomers like me aren’t used to change. Remember the new math, French immersion, high school semester systems and introduction of computers into the workplace? For a generation that began with a typewriter and fax machine (try describing what this is to someone who has never seen one) we have come far and adapted, sometimes kicking and screaming, into the future. Now I must get used to reading the news while not holding a newspaper, look up grocery sales online while adding items to my electronic list, book appointments using electronic apps and try to appear cool when I show people my latest iPhone (even though I still do not know what half the buttons do). By the way I got a smart watch as well although so far all I can see it does is look “smart” on my wrist.

Millenials have a strong appreciation for work and life balance. I remind myself that this is something our generation has instilled in them but a little more than we understood the impact would be.

For those of us who lived to work (and I count myself in this number) our millennial generation is working to live. Who can blame them? Although we grumble about productivity, working from home and entering their children in every recreational program imaginable

(I am rolling my eyes right now), I remind Millenials that it was the Boomers that did a rather respectable job raising them up.

My own two Millenials would respond with the words “Just like a Boomer, taking credit for everything.” Yup. And I remind them that our generation will always be wealthier. That usually stops the conversation in its tracks.

Happy spring everyone!

Sue Prodaniuk is a marketing, advertising and communications consultant. She can be reached at

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