Publisher's Note

We got it right

Our marina has evolved into a magnificent place for the community to gather.

20 years of enjoying the view

Wow, that was quick! This issue marks the 20th Anniversary of Bayview Magazine and we’re so thankful for your support and encouragement.

The rollercoaster

In many ways summer felt wonderfully normal, filled with hope and some trepidation as Covid case counts began to climb again around many parts of the province.

Resilience to adapt

Well, here we are…the start of a summer filled with hope.

The kindness of neighbours

In a rare act of spontaneity I decided to finally hang white lights on the giant 50+ foot spruce tree in my front yard.

Shop local matters

One of my biggest fears about Covid is that our local business community might be steamrolled by large online retailers who do little to help our community function and flourish.

Look to the Lake

One of my favourite views in the city is found on my regular drive down Red River Road near High Street.

Time to Fall in

Good things can only last so long, so we must say goodbye to the summer fun and usher in a new season as our kids and grandkids trade-in their flip flops for running shoes and those loose schedules

Our time to shine

Have you noticed how we all seem to have an extra spring in our step as we enter the summer months.

Spring is in the air

There is nothing more uplifting than recognizing the sure signs of spring.


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