Cassandra Blair

Cassandra Blair has a Masters of Arts in English Literature and is a regular contributor to Bayview.

Recent Articles

Fiery colours of fall

As any hiker or nature-lover will tell you, the benefits to hiking are almost innumerable.

Pasi and Kerri-Ann Pinta

Pasi met his wife Kerri-Ann at a restaurant called Muddywaters in Dryden on a blind date. They were set up by mutual friends.

Bouncing to the beat with Rebound Athletics

Rebound Boots, also known as Fit Boots or Kangoo Jumps, have been steadily gaining popularity over the past couple of decades as a low-impact exercise option for those looking to get active without

Jessica & Atilio Argueta - Love at first swipe 

Atilio Argueta was born in San Miguel, El Salvador but came to Canada with his family when he was four to seek refuge from the civil war that was occurring in El Salvador. 

Cambrian Players strives for an inclusive, accessible space

Cambrian Players, Thunder Bay’s longest-running community theatre group, is approaching their 75th season which will kick off this fall.

Alexandra and Sam Crowe

Alexandra and Sam Crowe met in law school in Michigan. Both came to Michigan from different parts of North America - Sam, from Youngstown, Ohio, and Alex from Thornhill, Ontario.

Emey Hendricks & Russ Wakewich

Emey Hendricks and Russ Wakewich’s love grew through a mutual love of travel and adventure.

Jason Feller and Mariano Sequeira

When I stopped by to interview Jason Feller and Mariano Sequeira at their large character house, I was met with a large science exhibit in the middle of the living room.

Victor Chan and Myzylyn Lee

Myzylyn Lee and Victor Chan met when they were 14 and 15 years old at the same high school in the Philippines. They lost touch until university when they had a chance encounter on a train.

Whirlwind romance brought two beautiful children to a place they love

It was through a mutual love of theatre that Jordan Blaxill and Robyn Saxberg initially came together.


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