Bill Wrightsell

Bill Wrightsell is a marketing consultant and regular contributor to Bayview Magazine. Email him at

Recent Articles

Local game maker Conor McGoey

To me, rainy days at camp are always ideal for breaking out board games and enjoying some old school fun.

Packin’ with punch

One of the many winter activities that continues to grow in popularity is snowmobiling.

Tish Iceton, a voice for true crime

During the 80’s and 90’s, Tish Iceton was a fixture on local radio. Iceton came to town as the host of the afternoon show on 1230 CJLB in 1981.

Power to the people

We had a positive reaction to the “Boomtown” article in the summer issue of Bayview where we gave some attention to the numerous construction projects in the area that are injecting not just millio


Earlier this year the Conference Board of Canada updated it’s economic outlook for Thunder Bay, predicting that the $1.2 billion dollar jail project off Highway 61 “will electrify” the local econom

The great real estate debate

What a difference a year makes. As we began 2022, low interest rates combined with a lack of inventory was the big story that sent home prices up in virtually every location in the country.

Trevor Hurtig talks holiday music

One thing that sets a tone for the holiday season is music.

Keeping watch over our financial system

One of the topics at the top of nearly everyone’s mind these days is interest rates.

The Elvis Collector

One of the biggest movie releases of the past few months is the biographical drama ‘Elvis’.

No fish out of water

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eisley


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