Nancy Angus

Nancy Angus is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Bayview. Contact her at

Recent Articles

A park for the people

My first recollections of Waverley Park were of being bundled up for Remembrance Day services where hundreds of people gathered to pay their respects for the people we lost in conflicts around the

Canvas and clay

Learn, Make, Share, Repeat. That’s the motto for Canvas & Clay, a new collaborative gift shop and maker studio in downtown Fort William.

A tribute to a friend

Brian was a writer, a scientist, a thinker, a friend. He was creative by nature.

The baker & her professor

Rose Valigrosky celebrated her 93rd birthday on June 1st, the month designated as Seniors Month.

In praise of the paper carrier

Before I was born, my dad, Archie Angus, held one of the favourite jobs of his life – that of the Circulation Manager of the Fort William Times Journal newspaper in the 1940’s. I was born in 1957.

Blooms from the backyard

I love the variety of plants that bloom in my garden throughout the summer. Even some of the so-called “weeds” have beautiful flowers.

A silver anniversary for a gold medal team

This year marks the 25th anniversary for the Bearskin Airlines Hope Classic.

Celebrating one of our best storytellers, BARR none!

When I dropped by to chat with Elinor Barr I was greeted at the door by Snoopy, Elinor’s dog.

In the mail...

When was the last time you got a letter? For me, it’s been a long time.

Growing resilience through food and more

Interviewing Evalisa McIllfaterick was memorable. We decided to get together to chat on a winter morning.


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