Theatre arts for adults!

September 2023

While most kids today venture to sports or the arts for after school fun, where can adults go to have fun with a great group of creatives? Well, whether you want to venture on stage for the first time or re-live high school theatre days, Thunder Bay has plenty of local theatre arts classes geared to let your inner performer shine!

For those looking for a smaller commitment, supportive group, and lots of laughs, seek out Cambrian Players Improv group. This volunteer-drop in group meets Sunday evenings from
7-9 pm at the Cambrian Players Theatre (818 Spring Street).

“We focus on improv games and scene work, including developing characters and the “who, what, and where of scenes,” says Improv regular Mary Davis. “The basic principle of Improv is “yes, and.” You have to accept the reality presented, and add to it.”

During these Sunday night drop-ins, participants begin with warm up games that can range from miming, storytelling, stretching and listening exercises. Once you’re all warmed up, it’s time to dive into scene work and improv games to get those creative muscles going.

As spontaneous theatre, improv requires participants to accept whatever is tossed at them in the scene, trust your instincts, and keep going.

“Improv is not about being a comedian- it’s about finding the reality of comedy that evolves from it,” says Davis. “It’s a wonderful place to play as a grown-up – how often do we get the chance to just let loose and act like airplanes or chickens?”

The troupe also aims to present an Improv show every couple of months. Though that may seem daunting to some, members are welcome to take what they can from the experience whether that is to watch a show, observe a few drop-ins, or lead the group’s performance.

To learn more about how to re-discover play at Cambrian Players Improv, follow Cambrian Players Improv on Facebook.

But what if you like the idea of performing in general, but want some guidance from an Instructor. If so, check out either of Magnus Theatre’s Adult Education Classes: Improv Fundamentals and The Actor’s Studio.

“Whilst both focus on different, disciplines, you can pick up lots of transferrable skills such as confidence, team building, creative thinking, and problem solving,” says Theatre in Education Director Jordan Blaxill.

Improv Fundamentals offers you the ability to learn the building blocks of improv. Taught by Second City alum Jenn McCallion, this class is a safe and supportive group environment for beginner improvisers on Thursday nights from September 28 - November 16, 7:30-9:30 pm. Each lesson then culminates into a showcase structured like the improv classic, Whose Line is it Anyway where friends and family can see your newfound skills and burst into laughter at whatever shenanigans the troupe gets into onstage.

The Actor’s Studio is open to all skill levels whether you are trying something new, or returning to the stage after a while away. Led by Blaxill, this group meets every Wednesday night
7:30-9:30 PM to learn a variety of acting styles and theatre techniques. What is unique also about this course is that it offers participants to choose their level of commitment with either a half-term course (from September 28th-December 2023) or full-term course (September 28th- June 2024), or both.

“Term One concludes in December with a recorded show reel whilst Term Two concludes with a production on the Magnus Theatre Stage,” says Blaxill.

Either way, everything within the Actor’s Studio will open your eyes into the craft of theatre such as character analysis, scene study, and the ability to feel confident in your creative choices within your performance.

“Theatre is good for the body, mind and soul, something we often neglect in our hectic lives” says Blaxill. “Taking two hours out to nourish and replenish these crucial elements is well worth the time.”

For more information and to register, visit

If you like to sing in the car or shower, or were the theatre kid in high school and miss the thrill of live performance, Applauze Productions has both of those with their Supernovaz and Cometz Programs.

“We offer these programs to be inclusive and welcoming to those who have the passion of theatre or singing,” says Applauze Productions owner Denise Krawczuk.

For those who love to sing, the Applauze Cometz is that star to follow. Meeting every Wednesday night from 8-9:30 pm, this group gets together where vocal instructor Denise Krawczuk, leads the group through warm-ups, and a selection of arranged group songs, with some laughs and conversation throughout. As a Pop Ensemble, the group works together from September-May on a musical repertoire to perform in public events such as a Holiday Showcase, the Lakehead Music Festival, and various events around town.

As for the Supernovaz, this adult musical theatre group is led by Krawczuk and Thomas McDonald. Every Sunday night from 6:30-9 pm, the group works together from September-April to learn a variety of musical theatre numbers from Broadway classics to recent hits. From big numbers, to duets, trios and quartets to solos, Supernovaz gives everyone in class the opportunity to live up to Applauze’s motto- Every Star Shines.

“With every program is the ability to get to know new people and see everyone’s evolving skill by trusting their environment. It’s truly rewarding,” says Krawczuk.

Most importantly, in both of these classes, all are welcome, no matter the skill set.

“People can be hesitant to join because they think they don’t have the “proper skill”” says Krawczuk. “Here, it doesn’t matter. You get to express yourself in a safe environment where everyone is on a different skill level. Our hope is that it’s a positive experience to experience the joy of singing or theatre.”

For more information about Cometz and Supernovaz, visit

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