Local Gem

Pasta, salami, and a guy named Pasquale

An icon of the Thunder Bay theatre scene, Jo-Ann Waytowich is back and bolder than ever, bursting from stage to screen with her beloved character, Ivanka.

A silver anniversary for a gold medal team

This year marks the 25th anniversary for the Bearskin Airlines Hope Classic.

Celebrating one of our best storytellers, BARR none!

When I dropped by to chat with Elinor Barr I was greeted at the door by Snoopy, Elinor’s dog.

IMAX - Thunder Bay to NASA

Graeme Ferguson had never spent any time in the Thunder Bay area when he arrived in 1970 to shoot his ground-breaking Imax documentary, North of Superior.

Glen Darlow: Man's best friend's best friend

If you have a rescue dog, chances are you’ve heard of Glen Darlow.

Growing resilience through food and more

Interviewing Evalisa McIllfaterick was memorable. We decided to get together to chat on a winter morning.

Technicolour dreamer

“Some folks dream of the wonders they’ll do before their time on this planet is through. Some just don’t have anything planned, they hide their hopes and their heads in the sand.

The rainbow connection

I recently caught up with Cherie Kok, Executive Director of Hospice Northwest.

Coping and Connecting

I was at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery. It was Thursday, March 12, 2020.

Jann Starr shines bright

On a recent winter’s day, after digging my car out of the snow, I headed across town to meet up with Jan Starr.


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