The environmental fixers

Local scientists create kits to clean-up toxic sites.

Thunder Bay, You Say?

Japan’s Iron Lady Trades Big Steel for Heart and Soul

Carol Kajorinne - forging her own path

Carol Kajorinne is a multidisciplinary artist building a career in the arts.

Precious bundles

Volunteers are at the heart of this local clothing assistance program

Cool geeks

Discovering Thunder Bay’s Society for Creative Anachronism

The little building that could

The Waterfront’s Baggage Building Arts Centre is a cultural delight

Thunder Bay's rich running history

As the weather warms, more and more runners can be seen taking to the streets to begin their training for a historic race which can trace its roots back over a century.

Evolution of a city - Part 1

A look back at the evolution of our city

Celerated novelist Michael Christie returns

Thunder Bay is always in the mood for a party, and the writing community is no different.

The Real Estate Crystal Ball

Spring is a great time to gauge our local real estate market and look to the experts for their crystal ball predictions for 2016.


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