Keeping watch over our financial system

One of the topics at the top of nearly everyone’s mind these days is interest rates.

New ideas buzz along with custom creations

finn and mingo

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The holiday season is just around the corner, and Thunder Bay is alive with celebrations.

From Strange NEW Worlds to the great white north

“The first role I ever had was a kindergarten production of Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” says actor Teddy Kellogg with a grin. “Apparently, I had the best ‘HO HO HO!”

20 years of enjoying the view

Wow, that was quick! This issue marks the 20th Anniversary of Bayview Magazine and we’re so thankful for your support and encouragement.

The original curbside pickup

It’s that day of the week again. Time to take the trash out to the curb for pickup. Thinking about it, garbage collection can be a thankless job. It’s certainly not prestigious.

New York, New York!

With all the excitement over the great wines coming from the American west coast – California, Washington, Oregon – it is easy to overlook the third largest American producer on the other side of t

Bingeing on-demand

Perhaps like many of you, I spent much of last winter huddled in front of my television.

Korovai wedding bread

If a group of Ukrainian women invite you to an evening of bread making, don’t expect to sip tea and watch the dough rise.

Especially if you’re making korovai wedding bread.

Making music and memories

“When my husband Ed retired, he found out about this group called the Senior Music Makers,” says Nell Shermack. “He went to a practise one day and when I got home from work, I asked how it went.


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