A busy port makes for a busy agent

Thunder Bay’s crucial and strategic location at the head of the Great Lakes, situated in the middle of North America, accentuates the community’s distinction as a unique economic hub providing the

Victor Chan and Myzylyn Lee

Myzylyn Lee and Victor Chan met when they were 14 and 15 years old at the same high school in the Philippines. They lost touch until university when they had a chance encounter on a train.

The great real estate debate

What a difference a year makes. As we began 2022, low interest rates combined with a lack of inventory was the big story that sent home prices up in virtually every location in the country.

Breastmilk, Macremé and the Craft Hive

Milk Matters

Carolyn Karle turns her grief into power

Carolyn Karle has an indomitable spirit.

Wilma Wood

We often think of buildings as inanimate objects, places that provide the backdrop to our lives, but a building that serves it’s community is much more than just brick and mortar.

Bubbles galore!

Through the Christmas and New Year holiday season – and on so many other festive occasions throughout the year – we want to celebrate with wine that embodies all the fun, frolic and frivolity that

It's the season of shopping...in style

It’s the time of year when shopping may not be as much a pleasure but perhaps more of a chore.

Joulu Piparkakku – Finnish Gingerbread Cookies - a holiday treat

Lea Hayes recipe for Joulu Piparkakku – Finnish Gingerbread Cookies – is to die for. It’s not your typical gingerbread cookie recipe.

Heather, hope and a hurricane named Ian

“Oh no. Not again.”


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