Candy cane cookies

Pat Rodgers has many fond memories about her childhood Christmases but the candy cane cookies her mom baked are definitely one of her favourites, and for several reasons.

The big boreal adventure

Marilyn Grudniski is on a mission to bring kids up close and personal with nature right here in Thunder Bay – and she’s doing it with style.

On an inland sea

As the author of 13 children’s picture books and a best-selling adult novel, author Jean E. Pendziwol has barely scratched the storytelling surface of this place we call Northwestern Ontario.

Alexandra and Sam Crowe

Alexandra and Sam Crowe met in law school in Michigan. Both came to Michigan from different parts of North America - Sam, from Youngstown, Ohio, and Alex from Thornhill, Ontario.

The magic of winter markets

“Going to a market feels like you’ve gone someplace almost magical,” says Jennifer Morrison of the Urban Abbey Christmas Market.

Starting small but open to some big possibilities

Ashley The Happy Hooker: Not your grandmother’s crochet

Christmas in the Bay

One of my favourite things about the Christmas season in Thunder Bay is making little trips where I can escape the hustle and bustle of the season.

Peter Gysen's Christmas Magic Walking Tour

Autumn…everyone’s thoughts are on Thanksgiving, Halloween, basking in the last days of summer, without a thought of the winter that will be upon us too soon.

In a pickle

Is it tennis? Is it racquetball? Ping pong? All of the above? It’s pickleball, and it’s the fastest growing sport in Canada.

The wines of home

Above Niagara Falls and its escarpment, the great high plane of southwestern Ontario stretches westerly to Lake Huron and the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers.


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