Packin’ with punch

One of the many winter activities that continues to grow in popularity is snowmobiling.

Tish Iceton, a voice for true crime

During the 80’s and 90’s, Tish Iceton was a fixture on local radio. Iceton came to town as the host of the afternoon show on 1230 CJLB in 1981.

Have wings, will fly

Jenn Salo has a dream and it has wings.

Bakers to jewelry


Joan Loveday and Carmen Wheeler are the best of friends and have woven their personal creativity into an innovative business called Jewel-Re-Art.

Theatre arts for adults!

While most kids today venture to sports or the arts for after school fun, where can adults go to have fun with a great group of creatives?

Bubble, bubble, toil brings good trouble

Attention all witches, warlocks, wizards and muggles - the 3rd Annual Witches Walk is fast approaching!

Emey Hendricks & Russ Wakewich

Emey Hendricks and Russ Wakewich’s love grew through a mutual love of travel and adventure.

Power to the people

We had a positive reaction to the “Boomtown” article in the summer issue of Bayview where we gave some attention to the numerous construction projects in the area that are injecting not just millio

100 years of the Port Arthur Health Centre

Dr John Pratt came to Port Arthur in 1904 and practiced alone as was the custom in those days.

The wines of home: Niagara

The Niagara Peninsula lies where the western end of Lake Ontario overlaps the eastern end of Lake Erie.


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